Human Rights
At Arçelik, we fully respect human rights and providing a safe working environment within the value chain is of utmost importance to us.
As indicated in the arçelik global human rights policy and human rights due diligence process, we are committed to abiding by the rules of the international labour organization and the un guiding principles on business and human rights. Arçelik is a signatory of the un global compact and among the pioneering companies to sign the code of conduct published by the home appliance Europe (applia). In line with our Sustainability Vision, is strengthening our ownership and to take concrete steps in the field of social sustainability. Taking the right steps to turn this into the most accurate employee experience, to give the right direction to our other stakeholders, including our suppliers in our ecosystem, to maintain our leading position in sustainability indices, and to effectively manage the issues under the heading of human rights in these indices.
With our ‘Respecting the World, Respected Worldwide’ vision, we are taking concrete steps to inspire sustainable lives in every home.
In the light of our vision, we are building a culture that embraces human rights, people diversity, equality and inclusion. Taking the right steps to turn this into the most accurate employee experience, giving the right direction to our other stakeholders, supporting our suppliers in our ecosystem with this vision become critical.
Maintaining our leading position in sustainability indices will manifest our focus and momentum. Placing human rights at the core of our culture and values will be the guardian of our inclusive working climate for all our employees.
With that in mind, we are committed to integrate our human rights philosophy and practices throughout our entire value chain.
We will continue to strengthen our human rights activities across our entire supply chain to maintain our leading position on sustainability, prioritize the well-being of all employees and act on the right interventions in a timely manner.

Arçelik Human Rights Framework
Our due diligence and salient human rights issues are the heart of our framework.

Due Diligence Process
We are subject to regular audits due to our membership of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) and the Suppliers Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX)

Arçelik Committee Governance
We manage Human Rights issues and take decisions about Human Rights in our Committees

Human Rights
Salient Issues

BSCI Audit Results
As a member of BSCI, we are audited in topics such as social management systems, employee engagement, freedom of association and collective bargaining, prevention of discrimination, fair remuneration, OHS, prevention of precarious employment, prevention of forced and child labor, environmental protection, and ethical behavior