Climate Action Image

Climate Action

The effects of the climate crisis are being felt faster and are more serious than anticipated. Temperatures have reached record levels in recent years, while environmental pollution and biodiversity loss are on the verge of becoming irreversible. Every year, natural disasters are becoming more frequent and destructive. 

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Water Management

At Arçelik, reducing the water footprint of our operations is one of our top priorities alongside an effective water risk identification and management.

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Waste Management

At Arçelik, we monitor our waste according to European Waste Codes (EWC) on a monthly basis from each production facility. The collected data is consolidated by the central environment team for any possible improvements and shared with internal and external stakeholders.

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Chemicals Management

At Arçelik, we care about the safe process chemical management, use, transportation, storage, and disposal of chemicals in our entire supply chain to reduce the impact of our production processes on the environment and people as much as possible.

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Commitments on Biodiversity & No Deforestation

Being aware of the vital importance of natural ecosystems for all of us, we aim to protect biodiversity through initiatives towards our commitments.

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Product Stewardship