Being aware of the vital importance of natural ecosystems for all of us, we aim to protect biodiversity through initiatives towards our commitments.
At Arçelik, we recognize biodiversity loss as a one of the global issues which is under pressure from several aspects. We have assessed our biodiversity risk assessment within the scope of our own operations to address our nature-related impacts and dependencies based on emerging frameworks including Science Based Targets for Nature and Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures.
Our assessment covers industry basis nature-related impacts and dependencies as well as location-based approach. The first step of the assessment includes mapping our business footprint of our own operations to implement location-based approach. The geo-mapping of our manufacturing facilities has been carried out using the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT). The locations were assessed based on IUCN Red List of Threatened Species that potentially occur, Protected Areas, Key Biodiversity Areas within 50 km of this site.
The material impacts of our industry have been defined through SBTN's Materiality Screening Tool which is based on ENCORE Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks and Exposure). We also utilized WWF Biodiversity Risk Filter for industry-based impacts and dependencies. According to the result of our materiality assessment through the screening tool, the pressure categories are indexed higher and rated as material for GHG emissions, water use, water/ soil/solid pollutants, which are categorized under nature related issue areas which are climate change, resource use, pollution, respectively. On the other assessment on the risk tool, water scarcity is the most significant physical risk in terms of water-dependency of our industry. Since the results also show that environmental factors in our industry have impacts on protected areas and key biodiversity areas, we collected all relevant findings to act upon.
The nature-related impacts have been further assessed and our manufacturing facilities have prioritized based on climate change and water use which are found as the most critical nature-related issues in terms of impact. Besides, the nature-related dependency of the manufacturing facilities has been assessed relatively lower. However, water use is an interrelated factor for impact and dependency, since water use can create pressure on ecosystem services, while water use has a dependency for our business to continue without disruptions. Arçelik does not withdraw surface water but considering its dependency on groundwater, it has qualitatively nature-related impact and dependency. In addition, a proximity to high biodiversity of our manufacturing facilities factor is another crucial factor we take into consideration from both nature-related impacts and dependency aspects.
Arçelik applies Mitigation Hierarchy through preventing, minimizing, and mitigating factors that threaten biodiversity periodically. The pressure on biodiversity stemming from climate change and resource usage is aimed to be reduced by our long-term sustainability targets such as reaching net zero emissions and decreasing water withdrawal and increasing water recycling and reuse ratio. Arçelik applies Mitigation Hierarchy through preventing, minimizing, and mitigating factors that threaten biodiversity periodically. The pressure on biodiversity stemming from climate change and resource usage is aimed to be reduced by our long-term sustainability targets such as reaching net zero emissions and decreasing water withdrawal and increasing water recycling and reuse ratio.
Arçelik aims to work to improve biodiversity footprint towards No Net Loss as of 2050 especially in selected priority areas such as areas in close proximity to key biodiversity areas. Such actions will include calculating the biodiversity footprint of the area, designing projects that will help increase biodiversity of endangered or vulnerable species classified by IUCN Red List or national declarations and measure the improvements against the initial footprint. With this focus on biodiversity protection, we will cooperate with third parties specialized in biodiversity protection if necessary.
We prioritized our manufacturing facility in Ulmi, Romania, since Arçelik has a manufacturing facility on 431,369 m2 area that is adjacent to biodiversity-sensitive area, Natura 2000, which is known as Birds Directive Special Protection Area (SPA). This is the only manufacturing facility where we have a border with biodiversity sensitive area. In the region of our manufacturing facility in Ulmi, we have been already required to measure PM10, NO2, and SO2 quarterly under the National Air Quality Act 104/2011. In 2021, Arçelik has committed to go beyond by setting its roadmap with EPC Consultanţă de Mediu, an environmental consulting company specializing in biodiversity conservation. The impact on nature has been found limited. However, three objectives and key strategies have been defined to create improvement for the habitat conditions of the land under Arçelik’s responsibility. We have the ambition to improve the biodiversity on the site of Ulmi factory by implementing actions to reduce pressures and support the natural development of habitats by 2027. In 2023, the actions determined as a result of the study were implemented on the factory area owned by Arçelik.
For a location-based Project in Ulmi, Romania, please refer to below section.
Arçelik identifies its sustainability-related risks and opportunities by following global, regional, and sectoral trends and analyses, climate scenarios and stakeholder feedback. Arçelik defines, quantifies and categorizes its material sustainability-related risks and opportunities in line with International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) Framework which encompasses TCFD recommendations. Being a company that places sustainability at the heart of its strategy, it is essential for Arçelik to integrate the risks arising from the climate crisis and other sustainability topics into the ERM system to execute the relevant action plans in line with the corporate sustainability strategy.
Arçelik considers biodiversity within its double materiality analysis as well as enterprise risk assessment. Based on the results of double materiality analysis, biodiversity is found as one of the medium priority issues in 2023 which is the lowest priority category. Within the scope of risk assessment, biodiversity loss is addressed to define the term, likelihood, financial impact of the relevant risks and opportunities under Sustainability-Related Risks and Opportunities. In this regard, overall biodiversity-related risk of Arçelik is identified as long term, unlikely and low financial impact.
For further details, please refer to Arçelik Sustainability Reports.
For more information about our policy, please refer to Arçelik Biodiversity and No Deforestation Policy.
Location-based Project in Ulmi, Romania
We have the ambition to improve the biodiversity on the site of Ulmi factory by implementing actions to reduce pressures and support the natural development of habitats by 2027.
Arçelik has built a partnership with EPC Consultanţă de Mediu, an environmental consulting company based in Romania. Within this scope, the habitat conditions will be improved in accordance with IUCN Guideline.
During the stages of the study, the main topics were defining state and benefit indicators in relation to the goals, pressure and response indicators against objectives and strategies, and developing of a biodiversity strategic plan.
The priority species are determined as follows:
Plant species (Typha minima);
Aquatic insects (damselflies and dragonflies);
Grassland species (butterflies, bees, beetles, crickets, grasshoppers);
Amphibian species (Triturus cristatus, Bombina bombina, Hyla orientalis, Bufotes viridis, Bufo bufo).
Reptile species (Lacerta agilis, Natrix natrix);
Aquatic bird species (Charadrius dubius, Egretta garzetta, Anas platyrhynchos, Vanellus vanellus);
Predatory bird species (Athene noctua, Falco tinnunculus);
Small mammals (Microtus sp., Erinaceus roumanicus, Nannospalax leucodon, Talpa europaea);
Medium-sized mammals (Lepus europaeus, Vulpes vulpes);
Bat species (Pipistrellus nathusii/ kuhlii, Nyctalus noctula, Vespertilio murinus).
Objectives |
Key strategies |
Objective 1: Reduction of |
Significant reduction of grazing by domestic animals. Reducing the risk of wildlife mortality on the entire factory site. |
Objective 2: |
Creating a mosaic of habitats necessary for assuring the optimal Creating birds’ artificial structures for resting and nesting. |
Objective 3: |
Ensuring favourable habitats conditions for increasing the diversity |
Commitment Against Deforestation
We are committed to no gross deforestation from our operations’ activities by 2050.
Forests offer nature-based solutions to many global challenges, from combatting climate change, biodiversity loss, to building resilience against future crises. At Arçelik, we are working to eliminate deforestation within our supply chain. Arçelik’s Biodiversity and No Deforestation Policy covers the activities affecting deforestation along the value chain. As a result of our deforestation assessment, we focused on paper and wood-based packaging materials for our products. Therefore, our assessment covers upstream activities.
For more information about our policy, please refer to Arçelik Biodiversity and No Deforestation Policy.
Commitments on Biodiversity & No Deforestration