As an indicator of the strategy to become a Green Company, Arçelik carries out its activities within the framework of “Extended Producer Responsibility” and taking into account the principles of sustainability.
In this context, Arçelik manages in a structure of reducing the environmental impacts of waste management activities and implementing resource efficiency as the priority principle. With this purpose, Arçelik designs its products to evaluate as resource and to return to the nature when the end of their useful lives. Arçelik prevents wastes at source when producing its products, if this cannot be prevented minimizes the wastes by implementing the principles of integrated waste management. This is the important step of Arçelik’s environmental management strategy.
The products produced by Arçelik, becomes waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) when product is in the end of its useful life. Arçelik established its own recycling facilities within the scope of Extended Producer Responsibility to encourage evaluating the products as resource and to return products to the nature. Arçelik has lead the sector with the launching of WEEE management practices and has been a pioneer.